FINANCIADOR: UK PACT (Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions) is a unique capacity-building programme. Jointly governed and funded by the UK Government’s Foreign, Common wealth and Development Office (FCDO) and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) through the UK's International Climate Finance, it works in partnership with countries with high emissions reduction potential to support them to implement and increase their ambitions for tackling climate change. The UK is committed to tackling climate change and is investing £11.6bn via ICF over the five years to March 2026.
UK PACT is partnering with Colombia, a country with a strong commitment to international and domestic action on climate change and sustainable growth. The Colombia-UK PACT programme has funded 34 projects to date as well as over 15 complementary skills-shares, which are already delivering real world change to support sustainable growth and emissions reductions. In Colombia, the programme is focused on supporting nature (including sustainable livelihoods and nature-based solutions), low-carbon policy, mobility, energy and finance, as means to supporting climate action.
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